«Our world offers a wealth of information in all forms. The challenge is how to present and represent this information through the use of computers and turn them into useful information »(Joy Mountford, previously head of HCI group, Apple)».

«Our world offers a wealth of information in all forms. The challenge is how to present and represent this information through the use of computers and turn them into useful information »(Joy Mountford, previously head of HCI group, Apple)».

ΝΟUS Institute of Digital Learning and Communication

NOUS was founded in 2013 as a non nonprofit organization. It is based in the center of Thessaloniki, the second largest city of Greece.

The institute of Digital Learning & Communication «NOUS» aims to promote learning and computer-mediated communication by using educational technology and digital arts. We carry out research in the field of educational technology, interactive multimedia, affective computing and social pedagogy. We develop educational software for primary schools and for children with special needs. We run educational programs for schools and free code lessons for children. Our aim is to enhance digital learning, to use digital arts for education and communication, to promote safety on the internet and produce innovative e-learning solutions. We run educational programs for general and special education classes. The institute is a non profit organization funded by own resources and membership fees and does not receive any government or European funding.

The laboratory of Social Pedagogy (with use of educational technology) has an interdisciplinary approach and tries to use interactive multimedia to address social inequality, as well as, facilitate social change. Digital storytelling is used broadly. Its use as a tool of expression as well as a learning tool is investigated. NOUS research is published in journals and scientific conferences.
NOUS has designed a digital exhibition about AEGEAN, the sea that Odysseus crossed to reach his home, Ithaka. The story is told with the use of new media and interaction. It is aiming to present Aegean Sea in a playful and interactive way and make visitors discover Aegean Sea with their senses.

Attention Disorders
NOUS offers an educational intervention for children with attention disorders.
Code and internet safety workshops
NOUS runs workshops for children and teachers to teach code, internet safety and educational technology.